Redmak Architecture + Urban Design’s first Passivhaus has just passed its air pressure testing!

We are proud to announce that our latest project just achieved an air tightness of 0.58m3/hr/m2 at 50Pa! What does this mean? A typical property of a Passivhaus is the airtight construction. Airtight construction ensures that the building envelop is draught free. This means that when the heating is turned on in a Passivhaus, the […]

Passivhaus Designs by Redmak Architecture + Urban Design

We are on our 4th Passivhaus and have built up a wealth of experience to tackle any design circumstances. Each of our Passivhaus designs have their own set of unique issues and characteristics which we will explore how they were resolved and became a fully-fledged building. Passivhaus no.1 – Modern new build Story: Our client […]

New Passive House Design

Redmak Architecture and Urban Design LLP have been busy with designing their latest Passive House project. The aims of a Passive house is to provide occupants with a high level of comfort whilst using little energy for heating and cooling. To achieve the Passive house standard in the UK, this typically involves: High levels of […]

Bretforton Housing

A development for a Housing Association, the site at Bretforton straddles a conservation area boundary and socially disparate communities. Our proposal is to carry out the Urban design centric ideal that Christopher Alexander’s approach to development follows. For more information on the project, click here, or visit our Urban page.  

Passive House Scheme

Our new passive house design for Graven Hill in Bicester, Oxfordshire. The scheme incorporates double height spaces, contemporary open plan living, sleeping platforms giving the feeling of loft living and a second floor balcony. The flat roof allows for the installation of due South facing photo voltaics regardless of the plot orientation.