Work on our Main Entrance remodelling and Extension has started! Foundations are being excavated, drains are being diverted and large bits of steel are being delivered. For more information on the project, click here or go to our EDUCATION page
Work on our Main Entrance remodelling and Extension has started! Foundations are being excavated, drains are being diverted and large bits of steel are being delivered. For more information on the project, click here or go to our EDUCATION page
Redmak were very pleased to attend the Opening Ceremony of Sycamore Primary School where the Sheriff of Nottingham cut the ribbon and opened the new ‘heart space’. Each year group made a touching presentation in the Main Hall describing what they liked about the refurbishment design. For more information on the project, click here, or […]
With design work starting in 2009 and site work commencing in 2011, St.Ann’s Wells Primary School + Nursery has now completed Phase 2 of the works with final completion date set for Mid August. REDMAK Architect +Urban Design’s scope of worke involved altering the existing circulation and extending the four central classrooms. For more […]
REDMAK Architect + Urban Design have now completed designs for Walter Halls Primary School’s new extension and reception area. The designs are now being tendered and work will, hopefully, start in late July and finish by the new term. For more information on the project, click here, or visit our EDUCATION page.
REDMAK Architect + Urban Design has been appointed by Nottingham City Council and Inspired Spaces to undertake works at Northgate Primary. The brief is for a new extension to the school to accommodate the school’s expansion from a single to two form entry school. For more information on the project, click here, or visit […]
Architect consultation at Nottingham primary school: After an intensive 4 days spread over 4 weeks Year 6 in Carrington Primary School students working with Asri, Drew and Farida from Redmak proudly displayed their finished models, ideas boxes, writing and sketch up drawings. The photographs will be on show as part of the 50Â Buildings 50 […]
Nottingham architect produces ‘fabulous’ outdoor play space at CARLTON HILL PRIMARY SCHOOL BRIGHTON. For more information on the project, click here, or go to our EDUCATION page. Parent feedback – Parents Evenings November 2010 (3 Year 6 pupils presented plans to visiting parents whilst they waited to meet the teachers) “Beautiful! You lucky, lucky children. […]
Nottingham architects; Redmak invited to enter a design competition for community/heritage centre. Some images for the competition to convert a former chapel to create an arts and heritage centre. For more information on the project, click here, or go to our COMMUNITY page.
Nottingham architect joins ARB examination panel: Farida has recently been appointed as an ARB Examiner and has just returned from her first session in London. See www.arb.org.uk for more information.